Fabio Manzetti
Christmas markets all over Tuscany started already in November. However, it is in the weekends of December that Italians and tourists alike really stream out to the piazzas and quickly enter the “Xmas mood”. Among others, we would like to disentangle the Mercato del Campo in Siena on Dec. 6th and 7th: Here, in one of the most beautiful squares in the world the Xmas Market returns to its medieval origins and hosts a unique event of daily life. The "big market" celebrates the old traditions - the ones when the (independent) Republic of Siena - and the market operates and lives again according to the rules of that time.
In Firenze (Florence) the Xmas market started already on Nov. 22nd in Piazza Santa Croce and will continue until Dec. 22nd.
In Pietrasanta, the magics of the Christmas preparations live in the market "PietrasantaKlaus"
From 06 to 08 December, you can enter in the Xmas mood by visiting the various stands in the main piazza - offering banquets, carpentry workshops to make wooden games, floral workshops to make garlands and centerpieces, as well as a flesh-and-blood Santa Claus to whom deliver the letter….. and much more